

Vegetal fibre obtained from the upper part of leaves of some palms, used for weaving works.

Renaissance lace

It is so called because it took origin during the same historical period, it is a derivation of the Venetian lace, but its working is simpler because just the joint stitches are made with the needle. The lace is worked on a special waxed canvas which is the base for the drawing.


A spun or cloth made out of a regenerated wool that is to say derived from used clothes or remnants.

Ribbed Velvet

A fabric with spaced ribs.

Richelieu stitch

It is an alternative of the cutwork motifs with buttonholes on the joining bars.

Rodi stitch

It is usually made for the embroidery white on white, to obtain a net geometric filling of great effect.


Textile materials not worked or finished.

Running stitch

It is the simplest stitch of embroidery, offering a vast range of applications: exchanged lines, in a damask or diagonal way.

Running Stitch

Sewing with spaced stitches, that pierced one or more layers of fabric to make the stuffing well joined. A stitch of embroidery to make stitches with delicate shades.